50th Anniversary of HHDL assuming State leadership for Tibet
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Press Conference
His Holiness holds a press conference after the ceremony

feb07234.jpgfeb07222.jpgFollowing the ceremony at Tsuklak Khang (His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s main temple here in India), HHDL held a press conference on 4 December, 2000.  Many Indian media people, Tibetan journalists, BBC and other news agencies' reporters were present for the conference.  The mood of the just over one hour conference seemed to flow up and down, depending upon HHDL’s reaction to the questions that were posed. 

        He went from very serious to bursts of laughter, focusing specifically on how to best answer the array of questions.  At one point there was a question posed about HHDL’s brother’s recent trip to Bejing.  HHDL gave a broad perspective to this possible lever regarding the chance for some dialogue to open up from the Chinese side. feb07235.jpgHowever, when specifically asked what was said between his brother and the Chinese officials, he leaned back and while a giant smile had arrived, he forced his lips together, put his index finger over his lips and chuckled.  The entire room burst into laughter and a short giggle-fest lasted a bit longer than one would expect in an environment of this sort.  He has a special way of communicating, it’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before as he exampled by effortlessly transform a room of serious journalists into a classroom of 8th graders trying to gain their composure for the teacher. 

feb07219.jpgThere were many moments similar to the one I’ve just explained but as comical as he was, at the same time he was very serious and direct, carefully explaining his perspective on the questions at hand.   As usual his hands were a big part in his attempt to drive his points home, sometimes reminding me of the old “ French using their hands to speak “ cliché.   His way of doing this is incredibly effective as are all his other qualities regarding the way in which he presents his perspective.  His determination is that of a true and genuine leader, a complete turn around when compared to our typical western leaders. 

        When asked as to why His Holiness the Karmapa wasn’t present for this celebration, HHDL chuckled and answered: "He received an offering of dry meat (a favorite Tibetan cuisine) and he has eaten too much, leaving him with difficult case of diarrhoea." Again the room was up in arms with laughter.  The reporter had eluded to the possibility of H.H. the Karmapa's not coming to the celebration could have been due to the fact that the Indian Govt. had yet to grant him asylum.  But when HHDL told the real story it took the power out of the controversial issue and the reporter sat down laughing. feb07190.jpg Since this press conference, H.H. the Karmapa has been granted asylum by the Indian Govt. and has already left the area for a tour of the Tibetan settlements in South India.. 

           All in all, the usual questions were posed and His Holiness being one of the best interviewees simply got his message out and turned the rest into laughter.  A master of the interview.

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Press Conference
Photos by Chamb Meehan (c) Copyright 2000